Just cover; sprinkle lightly with fine vermiculite. Requires light.
Sprout Time:
7-21 days, somewhat erratic
Starting Indoors:
Sow in pots 8 weeks before planting out. Keep at 68°F.
Starting Outdoors:
Direct sow in zone 8 after last frost.
Lavender cotton found its calling as early as 1597 in English gardens as an essential knot-garden and edging plant, trimmed and manicured for the designs of that century. Of Mediterranean origin, it has an affinity for sharply drained soils and sunny skies. It requires little attention to flourish and bloom, making it an ideal selection for xeriscaping, containers and seaside gardens. The pungent camphor-scented leaves discourage rabbits and deer from browsing. Established plants can be trimmed back by half after bloom to shape and encourage fresh, branching growth.
Watering Details:
Water regularily the first year until established, then water during especially dry spells. Allow soil to become dry on top between waterings.
Diseases & Pests:
No major pests or diseases.