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Cornflower 'Snowman'
Cornflower 'Snowman'
Cornflower 'Snowman'
Seed Packet

Cornflower 'Snowman'

Centaurea cyanus
Cloud-like drifts of this pure white variety look wonderful among a sea of electric blue cornflowers, larkspurs and poppies—creating an oasis of bloom humming with bees. That garden picture is easy to achieve, for they are simple to grow and flower for months on end if deadheaded or cut for bouquets.
SKU #S1636
Growing Companions
Agrostemma 'Ocean Pearls'
Agrostemma 'Ocean Pearls'
Cornflower 'Jubilee Gem'
Cornflower 'Jubilee Gem'
Poppy - Shirley 'Bridal Silk'
Poppy - Shirley 'Bridal Silk'
Larkspur 'Frosted Skies'
Larkspur 'Frosted Skies'
Approximate Seeds Per Packet
Annual Hardiness
Hardy Annual
Mature Size
2-3' h x 10" w
Full sun
Regular, well-drained
Spring to summer
Bright white
Great Cut Flower
Deer Resistant
Heat or Drought Tolerant
Attracts Bees
Attracts Beneficial Insects
Barely cover (about 1/16").
Sprout Time:
5-20 days
Seed To Bloom:
10 weeks
Starting Indoors:
Not recommended.
Starting Outdoors:
Sow in early spring, 3-4 weeks before last frost. Can also be fall sown (Oct.) in zones 7-10.
Cornflowers are sentimental favorites and of the easiest culture; the bees buzzing around the blooms indicate their value in pollinator gardens. A favored flower for hundreds of years in England, cornflowers had many pet names, including Bluebottle and Hurtsickle, for the cordlike stems dulled the reaper's blade. At home in the cutting, veggie, border, and meadow garden, they keep blooming if picked often for fresh and dried bouquets. Pull some edible petals to brighten salads, and freeze inside ice cubes to add a bit of beauty to summer drinks. Try an early to mid-fall sowing in September in zones 7-10 for vigorous blooming plants earlier in the season; elsewhere, they are generally sown in early spring. Self-sows.
Final Spacing:
Water Requirements:
Medium Water Use
Watering Details:
Somewhat drought tolerant once established. 1" of water per week initially, then water during dry spells.
Soil pH:
Neutral to alkaline
Grows well in poorer soils. Mix in about 1/2" of compost or an organic granular fertilizer prior to planting.
Diseases & Pests:
Avoid fungal troubles by placing in a location that has good air circulation.
When to Cut for Bouquets:
Harvest when the flowers are just open.